Sunday 3 October 2010

Not Fun to Eat Healthy Cookie

In an effort to eat healthier I've stopped buying junk food and had opted for healthier over-the-counter quick fix snack such as multigrain cookies and nuts. I love nuts (insert inappropriate joke here). When I went to my dearly beloved Tesco Supermarket, there wasn't a lot of options for multigrain cookies. Most of them were advertised as healthy packed with this and that vitamins, minerals etc. Upon careful inspection of the label you will discover that it's loaded with sugar or with icky artificial-low-calorie-sweetener-possibly-cancerous- aspartame.

Balikbayan box never tasted this good.

There was one brand that looked okay to eat, Iko, with a variety of multigrain cookies. Iko is a Malaysian brand. I picked a small pack of the oat and pumpkin seeds variety. Oh, it was a big mistake. I would like to borrow a phrase from a friend to describe it; "lasang Balikbayan box". The literal translation of that is "tastes like cardboard box." I've often wondered if my friend then had  tried eating cardboard box to come up with such fitting description. But the moment I bit into this thing I soon realized what my friend meant. Try sniffing a cardboard box, it has that distinguished paper pulp smell and if you take a bite of that smell or god forbid, the cardboard, that's how it tastes.

So I guess I'll stick to tropical fruits for snacking.

I miss having my own kitchen. I miss baking cookies and eating cookie dough. Can't wait to go home in two weeks to make some healthy and non-shitty cookie.

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